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Receive an abundance of happiness and good things in your life!

SKATEROBICS® was created so that adults could revisit one of America's favorite pastimes, that some may think is part of a time gone by, in a new, unique and exciting way.  

It's a fun combination of roller skating, exercise and dance that builds character and self confidence  while working on balance, coordination and control.  

These characteristics are not only important but they are so powerful that together they would change your life in a few months. 

Taking a SKATEROBICS® class weekly will allow you not only to see progress in your skating skills but will remind you of the joys of learning something new.

Reflect just for a moment on the times when you were happy, grateful and unbothered by the noise of the world and the distracting issues of the day. Those days were magical.

With SKATEROBICS® It doesn't matter what your feelings or thoughts are, this  class allows its participants to network, play, have fun, while nurturing  patience, kindness and understanding in this diverse and astoundingly beautiful social atmosphere. 

Classes are every Friday evening from 8:30 to 10pm followed by the skate session (10pm to 2am which you can stay for free once you sign up for the class).  

GROUP SESSION- The cost is $15 per person......The experience is priceless.  

Book a class today!! 

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